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Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Tammy for more information.

Which yoga class is best suited for me?

Tammy's yoga classes are suitable for beginning and continuing students who are aged 50+ or desire a slower paced class. Although many students have been practicing yoga for years, beginners are always welcome. Click HERE for Tammy's schedule of yoga classes.

Contact Tammy if you are unsure.

How do I prepare for a yoga class?

When practicing yoga, one should wear clothes that allow movement and show your shape.
Leggings, tights or shorts are best so that your instructor can see your knees.
Try to have your meal 1.5 - 2 hours before class if possible.
Inform Tammy of any medical issues before class so that modifications can be given.

What yoga props or equipment do I need?

You will need a yoga mat and space large enough to spread your arms and legs while standing and lying down.
Space at wall is very useful, particularly for those with balance issues. A chair without wheels can be used for many poses and for those unable to stand.
Standard yoga props include: 1 yoga belt or yoga strap, 2 blocks, 3-4 cotton blankets, yoga bolster, a "backless" yoga chair, metal folding chair, or a chair without wheels. 
Many household items (table, stool, towels, etc.) can be used when yoga props are not available.

I am over 70 and very stiff. Can I do yoga?

Yoga is not about touching your toes. Everyone, including those who are stiff, out of shape, or have physical issues can practice Iyengar yoga.
Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers are skilled in how to use props and modifications so that all can benefit. Contact Tammy with concerns.

What are Free Community Classes and how do I join?

Riverside Community College District (RCCD) offers a variety of Lifelong Learning classes designed for older adults during the academic year.

These grant-funded classes are FREE to those age 50 and over.

Classes are currently offered via Zoom and in-person. 

Tammy Gingerella has taught yoga for this program since 2006. 

Visit RCCD's website to register and learn more. 

I'm under 50. Can I take your yoga classes?

Tammy's yoga classes are designed for older adults and those who prefer a slower-paced class and/or require modifications due to injury, illness, arthritis, or advanced age.

Tammy can provide referrals to other Iyengar Yoga teachers in their area for those wanting a more dynamic or faster-paced class.

Contact IYNAUS to find a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT) near you.

Is yoga good for someone with arthritis?

Yes! Iyengar Yoga has been shown to improve joint functionality and reduce pain associated with arthritis. Yoga props and pose modifications can be used to allow those with arthritis to benefit.

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